Fifty Two

- 2 mins read

Herein lies some thoughts and introspection now that I am finally playing with a full deck. ♦️ ♣️ ♥️ ♠️

In 1985, I thought I was a diamond in the rough. I had my whole life planned out: post-secondary education at RPI, majoring in computer and systems engineering, and a post-graduate career in what would later be called the “dot-com” world. All I needed to do was just make it through school. This plan went off the rails a couple of months into freshman year at Rensselaer, but the friends that I made there are still part of my life and I don’t regret a moment.

In 1998, I was into clubs. Not clubbing, alas; that has never really been my jam. But it was that year as a member of a Schenectady ham radio club that I finally got around to taking the Technician-class exam and earned the call sign that I still use today. Life in the Capital District was good – I had a decent job, I had some good friends, and I even bought my first (and only) new car.

In 2011, I was all about the hearts. I met my wife Chrystal shortly after Little Miss Stoli passed away, and the adventure we began that spring has taken us places I never could have foreseen. I am so grateful to her for everything, not least of which includes our daughter Cordelia.

In 2024, I am living life in spades. Okay, that doesn’t quite work, but work with me here – my life has never been so full! I am writing this from my new home-office/ham-shack in the backyard while my wife and daughter work on some birthday surprises for me. I’m hanging art, cutting cables, and yes, I’ve even dug a few ditches to lay antenna feedlines – with a spade. So there.