Seven Days

- 2 mins read

Seven days ago, I got a call from my mother’s nursing home. The nurse said that my mom had chosen to stop taking the medicine that was keeping her out of a coma, and that she had less than two weeks.

Mayday Mayday Mayday!

- 2 mins read

Things have been fantastically busy here. About a month after the last post, the wife and I welcomed our daughter into our lives a few weeks early. Graduate school has become progressively more intense the closer I come to defending my thesis. Last but not least, my employment situation has simplified itself considerably but with a considerably negative impact on our bottom line.

It’s no wonder that I cried out “m’aidez”. And people answered.

Finally 100% Rancher!

- 3 mins read

I was in Portland at Write the Docs this summer with my coworkers where I gave a lightning talk, mostly about my research but partly describing the value of technical writing skills when writing a thesis. Offstage I bumped into Sharon Campbell, Editorial Manager at DigitalOcean. I told her how happy I was to be a customer of DO and asked if she could recommend an orchestration platform for Docker that wasn’t quite as intense as Kubernetes, and she pointed me at Rancher.

Welcome to my new site!

- 1 min read

Hello, and welcome to my new site!

This is yet another Hugo site upon which I plan to make posts about everything from setting sites like this to mead recipes and tastings to things relating to school.

Thanks for stopping by!