Field Day 2024

- 2 mins read

ARRL’s Field Day is the largest ham radio event of the year. While strictly speaking it is not a contest, I decided this year to participate as an individual and set myself some goals – which I reached!

Fifty Two

- 2 mins read

Herein lies some thoughts and introspection now that I am finally playing with a full deck. ♦️ ♣️ ♥️ ♠️

Fathers Day

- 4 mins read

Last April I got another phone call from my older sister about a parent passing away. This time it was my dad, and the phone call was the only similarity between this and my mom’s situation.

Two Weeks

- 3 mins read

Two weeks ago, I got a call I’d been dreading since, well, the last time I made a blog post here. It was my sister, telling me that my mother had passed away.

Seven Days

- 2 mins read

Seven days ago, I got a call from my mother’s nursing home. The nurse said that my mom had chosen to stop taking the medicine that was keeping her out of a coma, and that she had less than two weeks.